Assalamu Alaikum,
When a woman is praying any Fardh Salaat by herself or in congregation with other sisters, can the Iqamah be called aloud or does she have to give the Takbeer and start the Salaat?
Ùˆ مصليا Ùˆ مسلما  Øامدا
Wa Alaikumus Salaam,
When a woman is praying any Fardh Salaat by herself or in congregation, she will not call out the Adhaan or Iqaamah. Rather, she will recite the Takbeer in a soft manner and begin her Salaat.
One point to note, as mentioned by the illustrious Hanafi Jurists; is that, it is Makruh Tahrimi (heavily abominable) for women to perform their Fardh Salaat in congregation alone, without being led by a man. There should be other men or his Mahram (one who is prohibited for him to marry) present in the congregation as well.
And Allah Almighty knows best.
- Fatawah Shami: Vl:2, Pg: 72/368, Qadimi Kutub Khana.
- Badai Ul Sanai: Vl: 1, Pg: 376, Maktabah Rashidiyah.
- Fatawah Hindiyah: Vl: 1, pg: 60, Qadimi kutub Khana.
- AL Lubaab: Pg: 91, Qadimi Kutub Khana.
- Kitaabul Masail: Vl: 1, Pg: 255/ 415, Darul Isha’at, 2016.
Written by Mufti Usaamah Mohammed
Checked and approved by
Mufti Waseem Khan
Date: 19/10/2022