Ghusl ON or AFTER 10th day to being salaah
I would like to know with regards to the menses if gysul is made ON the 10th day or if it is made AFTER the 10th day and then to begin salaah again. Could you please explain this to me.
Assalaamu Alaikum,
Ghusl (bath) is compulsory when you have completed your menses. Whether it ends on the 7th,8th , 9th or 10th day, it must be made when your menses come to a competition. In this case, when you are sure that your menses have ended, and you have taken a Ghusl, then you must begin to perform Salaah. If the menses continue for the full 10 days, then you will have to take a ghsul after the 10 days, and then begin the performance of Salaah.
And Allah knows best,
Mufti Waseem Khan