As Salaamu Alaikum,
I am enquiring if the business of renting event/party decor, backdrops and set ups et . will be considered a safe and halaal means of earning income or if it would be unquestionable? Someone brought it to my attention that non Muslims may use such decor and backdrops etc. for haraam events and to celebrate and drink alcohol etc. So I would like to clarify if this would make this type of business be a haraam type?
Wa Alaikum As Salaam,
The business of renting event/party décor, backdrops and set ups will be permissible and will be considered as a Halal business.
In renting these items, your job is simply to supply these things to people who want to host different events. The actual activities that may take place at those events have no direct connection to you. It is solely based on what others do. Therefore, if non-Muslims chose to celebrate and drink alcohol or have haram events, then they are responsible for what they do. The events they host are also theirs, and they have full authority over what they do. You are not the host, inviter or the marketer of these events, and are not a cause or a reason for whatever wrong they may do.
As such, your business of renting those items will be permissible as long as you do not rent Haram items like musical instruments, images of animate objects and the likes. With respect to the backdrops you rent (for different events), these should also be without pictures/images of animate objects, and should not have such writings that propagate or invite towards un-Islamic celebrations like writings which state, ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ or ‘Merry Christmas’ etc (which are usually placed on backdrops for those events).
And Allah Knows best
Mufti Waseem Khan