If a widow has a sum of money and does not have an income, does she have to pay zakaat annually??

Assalaamu Alaikum
If a widow has a sum of money to live and does not have an income does she have to pay zakaat each year? The sum is about a hundred thousand but that’s all she has and she cannot work so she has to depend totally on what she has with no further money coming in as long as she lives. Does she still have to pay zakaat each year?

Wa Alaikum Assalaam,

الجواب و بالله التوفيق

Zakaat is compulsory on a yearly basis upon one who possesses the nisaab. As such, the person mentioned above will pay Zakaah every year as long as she has the amount that reaches the nisaab.

Although she is not working and she depends on what she possesses, she will still be required to pay Zakaat on money she has, because it has crossed the nisaab. By using from the money continuously, it will continue to decrease, and she will be required to pay Zakaat on the amount she has when the Zakaah year ends. In this way, she will continue to pay Zakaah as long as her money reaches the nisaab or above. Whenever her money reaches below the nisaab, she will no longer be required to pay Zakaah.

And Allah Knows Best.

Mufti Waseem Khan.
