As Salaamu Alaikum,
What is the meaning of “extinguish lamps” animals or insects coming in this narration from Jabir ibn `Abd-Allah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“When the wings of the night spread – or when evening comes – keep your children in, for the devils come out at that time. Then when part of the night has passed, let them go. And close the doors and mention the name of Allah, for the devil does not open a closed door. And tie up your waterskins and mention the name of Allah, and cover your vessels and mention the name of Allah, even if you only put something over them, and extinguish your lamps.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari, 3280 and Muslim, 2012).
Wa Alaikum As Salaam,
What is meant by ‘extinguish your lamps’, in the above hadith is that while going to bed, one should ‘put out’ his lamp in the house and must not leave it to continue to light while he/she is asleep.
The reason for this instruction by the Messenger of Allah, as given by Allama Qastalani in his commentary of Sahih Al Bukhari, is the fear that the rat (or other creatures) may drag the wick of the lamp and this may burn the house. (Irshad As Saari Vol. 7 Page. 192 DKI Beirut 2020).
The narration regarding the animals has been mentioned by Imam Muslim in his Sahih in which it states that the Messenger of Allah (SAS) said, ‘Do not let your animals and children go out when the sun has set, until the first part of the night is over, for the devils come out when the sun sets, until the first part of the night is over’. (Muslim Hadith No. 2013).
And Allah Knows best
Mufti Waseem Khan