As Salaamu Alaikum,
I recently heard of a shortened way to make up my missed salah. For example, saying one dhikr in ruku & sujood. And a short durood in tashahud position after atahiyat. Also, shortened dhikr for the qunoot in witr. Is this permissible?
Wa Alaikum As Salaam,
The making up of missed Salaah necessitates that it be done in the same manner as it was at the time of its complete fulfilment. As such, there is no short way of performing missed Salaah.
The reciting of Tasbeeh three times in ‘Rukoo’ and ‘Sujood’ is considered to be Sunnah by the great scholars. As such, sufficing on one time will not render the Salaah invalid. However, willingly sufficing on saying it one time is considered as Makrooh, hence one should abstain from doing so.
The reciting of Darood in the last sitting is also Sunnah and if one shortens it or recites ‘Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammad’ alone, his Salaah will be valid but doing so intentionally will be considered Makrooh.
According to the Madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifah (AR), Qunoot in the Witr Salaah is waajib in the third rakaat, and reciting the fixed dua of Qunoot in this posture is evident and established in the traditions and narrations. While many scholars have emphasized that one should recite that dua, some have stated that one can recite any dua which is evident from the books of Ahadith.
Al Bahr Ar-Raaiq, 1/530, Rasheediyyah)
(Al Bahr Ar-Raaiq, 2/74, Rasheediyyah)
(Radd Al-Muhtaar, 2/211,534, Qadeemi)
(Hashiyah at-Tahtaawi ‘alal Maraaqi, 265-271, Qadeemi)
(Khulaasatul Fataawaa, 1/54, Rasheediyyah)
(An Nahr Al-Faaiq, 1/202, Qadeemi)
(Fataawaa-e-Mahmoodiyyah, 11/237, Ishaa’at)
(Ahsanul-Fataawaa, 3/30, Karachi)
(Fataawaa Haqqaaniyyah, 3/99, Darul Uloom Haqqaaniyyah)
(Kitaab An-Nawaazil, 4/58, Na’eemiyyah)
(Kitaabul-Masaail, 1/344, Ishaa’at)
And Allah Knows best.
Mufti Saeed Ahmad Khan