If non Muslim tell As Salaamu Alaikum what a Muslim reply should be?


If non Muslim tell As Salaamu Alaikum what a Muslim reply should be?.plz guide me according to Quran and hadith.
Also tell me about this ayat “wasalmu alla manita il huda”.



In this case, when a non Muslim greets you with Assalaamu Alaikum, then you should reply ‘Wa Alaikum’. You should not say anything more than this. It is recorded in Sahih Al Bukhari that the Prophet (SAS) is reported to have said ‘when the non Muslim greets you with Salaams then say ‘Wa Alaikum’. (Sahih Al Bukhari Hadith 6258- Chapter How to reply greetings given by the non Muslims).

Based on this and other similar traditions, it is mentioned in the books of fiqh that if a non Muslim greets a Muslim with Salaams, then he should give a reply, but should not exceed the word ‘Wa Alaikum’. (Ad Durrul Mukhtaar vol.9 pg. 591; Kitabul Fatawa vol.1 pgs. 311,324).

With respect to the verse ‘Was Salaamu Ala Man- Ittiba’a Al Huda’ – this is a part of verse 47 of Sura Taha (20) which means, ‘ And peace will be upon him who follows the guidance’. This verse of Sura Taha is one in which both Moosa (AS) and Haroon (AS) were commanded by Allah to go to Pharoah and inform him that they were messengers of Allah, and that he must release the children of Israel. The complete verse stated:-

“So go ye both to him, and say, ‘Verily we are Messengers sent by thy Lord: send forth, therefore, the Children of Israel with us, and afflict them not: with a Sign, indeed, have we come from thy Lord!

And peace to all who follow guidance! (Sura TAha verse47).

At the end of the above verse, Moosa (AS) told Pharoah ‘and peace be upon him who follows the guidance’ which means that if he follows guidance, then peace shall be upon him. While explaining this, Hafiz ibn Katheer Writes, ‘it means ‘ and peace be upon you (O Pharoah) if you follow the guidance’. (Tafseer Ibn Katheer vol. 3 pg. 145 Arabic print Amjad Academy, Lahore Pakistan).

The other verse of Sura Taha (that is verse 48) goes on to inform Pharoah that if he denies guidance and chooses disbelief, then instead of peace, the terrible torment shall be upon him. The verse states:-

‘Truly, it has been revealed to us that the torment will be for him who denies [believes not in the Oneness of Allah, and in His Messengers, etc.], and turns away.'( from the truth and obedience of Allah)’ (

Sura TAha verse 48).

This goes to show that Moosa (AS) informed him that ‘Peace’ shall only be upon him if he follows guidance.

And Allah know best,
Mufti Waseem Khan
