I would like to know if going to public beaches are permissible in Islam.




assalam u alaikum.

I would like to know if going to public beaches are permissible in Islam. With respect to the reasons going to the cinema is haram. It seems like those are the same issues with the public beaches.

Thank you.


Wa Alaikum as Salaam,

It is not permissible for Muslims to go to beaches when there are haram and sinful things taking place.

Muslims must refrain from going to these places when such nudity and indecent dress and behaviour are displayed. In this regard, Imam Bukhari (AR) has mentioned a chapter (followed by a hadith) in his sahih compilation which states that it is part of one’s Imaan (faith) to move away from (and avoid) such places where Fitna is present. Places where such sinful actions take place attract the Azab (punishment) and wrath of Allah, and the Prophet (SAS) has warned his followers regarding visiting such places and being amongst those who practice such immoral dress and conduct.

And Allah knows best,
Mufti Waseem Khan
