As Salaamu Alaikum,

When a woman dies with nail polish on does it have to be removed before performing their ghusl?


Wa Alaikum As Salaam,

Yes, the nail polish would have to be removed before performing Wudhu and Ghusl on her. The reason for this is that nail polish is a lacquer, which when applied on fingernails and toe nails, produces a hard coating which prevents water from reaching the nails, which are essential to be washed in Wudhu and Ghusl.

Therefore, since nail polish (on the nails) prevents this from taking place, it (the nail polish) must be removed before performing Wudhu and Ghusl for the deceased woman. While explaining this ruling, the Fuqaha (jurist experts) have written.

شرط صحته)  اى الوضوء( زوال ما يمنع وصول الماء الى الجسد) لجرمه الحاءل)

A condition for the validity of Wudhu (and that of Ghusl) is to remove that which prevents water from reaching the body’.

(Maraaqi Al Falah Ma At Tahtawi pages 61,62 Dar Al Kutub Al ilmiyah Beriut 1971).

(Kitab An Nawazil Vol. 3. Page. 96 Darul Ishaat Karachi 2016).

(Fatawa Deeniya Vol. 2 pages 425,426 Jamia Husainiya Surat, Gujurat 2013).


And Allah Knows best

Mufti Waseem Khan
