Tafseer (Commentary) of Surah Yaseen (Part 17)Conclusion and Surah Saaffaat (Part 1)
SuraYaseen continues in verse 81 and states:
- Is not He, Who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them? Yes, indeed! He is the All-Knowing Supreme Creator.
In this verse, Allah draws man’s attention to His great power and ability. He makes it known to them that it is He who has created the massive structure of the seven heavens and the seven earth with all the various creations that exist in them. As such, He is fully capable to create the like of them after death and Has complete power and ability to restore life to their dead bodies after they have become decayed and decomposed. For certainly, a Being who has the ability to create such large and mighty structures, can surely re-create human beings after they are dead, since the creation of humans from their rotten bones is not bigger and greater than the creation of the heavens and earth. As such, One who is not unable to create a creation much greater/bigger than human beings, cannot be unable to produce life in the bones (of humans) after these have become rotten and disintegrated. (Tafseer Ibn Jareer vol.23 pg. 40 Dar Ihya At Turath Al Arabi Beirut 2013)
In the verse, Allah Himself answers the above question and says, ‘Yes, indeed! He is the All Knowing, Supreme Creator’. It means that Allah is certainly All Able to create the like of them (human beings), for He creates whatever He wishes. He is the Innovator and Inventor of every creation and creature, and He has full knowledge of every single thing which He has created in the past and will create in the future. Nothing is hidden from His knowledge.
SuraYaseen goes further in verse 82 and states:
- Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, “Be!” and it is!
This verse is connected to the previous verse, and explains how easy it is for Allah to create anything. The verse explains that whenever Allah wishes to create anything, He simply says ‘Kun’ (‘Be’) and it comes into existence. Therefore, nothing is difficult for Allah. Whenever He wants something to come into being, it comes into existence without any difficulty, effort, trouble or submissiveness to anyone.
SuraYaseen continues in verse 83 and states:
- So Glorified is He and Exalted above all that they associate with Him, and in Whose Hands is the dominion of all things, and to Him you shall be returned.
This is the last verse of Sura Yaseen and it speaks of the purity of Allah. The verse explains that Allah is pure and free from all imperfections and deficiencies. He is the Great and Mighty One, in whose hands is the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He has complete control, power and ability over all things. Man is reminded here, that his return will be to Allah. He will be presented before Allah for reckoning and requital. Hence, he must be conscious of his acts and deeds, and prepare for his return to Allah.
Surah As Saffat is from among the Makkan Surahs and comprises of 182 verses. Being a Surah which was revealed in Makka, it discusses the foundation of Islamic Beliefs, particularly, Tawheed (Oneness of Allah), Wahi (revelation of the Quran), Al Ba’ath Wal Jaza (Resurrection and Recompense in the Hereafter). Like all other Makkan Surahs, the call given in the Surah is towards Imaan (faith) and belief in Allah.
The Surah begins with an introduction of the great Angels who are deputed by Allah in different positions. Some of them are standing in Salaah in full worship and devotion to Allah. Others have been given the task of driving the clouds in whatever direction Allah orders, and others have been commissioned to recite the revelation from Allah to the Prophets.
Information is then given about the Jinns and how they are pelted with flames of fire. This is mentioned as a refutation against those who believe that the Jinns have a special closeness and rank with Allah. The Surah goes on to prove the truth of the Resurrection and the Day of Reckoning, and shows the misguided path of the unbelievers and pagans who disbelieve in these realities.
The Surah further discusses the believer and the unbeliever, and shows that the believer is on the straight path, while the unbeliever is on the path of error and misguidance. Eventually, the believer, on account of his faith, will enter the gardens of delight in Paradise, and the unbeliever, on account of his disbelief, will enter the blazing fire of Hell.
The Surah also cites incidents regarding some prophets and the message of Tawheed to their people. In this regard, mention is made about prophets like Nuh, Ibraheem, Ismail, Moosa, Haroon, Ilyas and Lut (A.S). Then, in a detailed manner the trial which came as a test of faith to Prophets Ibraheem (A.S) and his son Ismail (A.S) is mentioned. The sacrifice and willingness to surrender to Allah and His order, which was seen from Prophet Ibraheem (A.S) was mentioned as a lesson and message to all believers.
The Surah then concludes by showing that the help of Allah always came to the prophets and righteous servants in this world, and will be with them in the Hereafter. It makes it clear that  ultimate success will be  for the believers.
The Surah has been named ‘As Saffat’ to describe the nature of the worship of the Angels. ‘As Saffat’ means rows, and it tells of those Angels who are constantly in Allah’s worship while standing in rows.
The Surah begins with the following three verses:
- By those who stand in rows.
- By those who drive away.
- By those who recite the ‘reminder’.
As mentioned by the Sahabahs and great exegetes of the Holy Quran, like Abdullah bin Abbas (R.A), Abdullah bin Masood (R.A), Ikramah, Saeed bin Jubair, Mujahid and Qatada (A.R), the above three verses speak about the angels and the different actions they are occupied in.
Verse 1 speaks about the angels who stand in rows. They stand in rows in the skies just as people stand in rows on the earth for Salaah. Some scholars have stated that it means that their wings are always standing in the air, ready and waiting for Allah’s orders. This is just like when slaves stand in front of their masters in full readiness to carry out their orders.
Hasan Basri (A.R) says that it refers to angels when they form their lines in front of Allah for Salaah. Some scholars are of the opinion that ‘those who stand in rows’ as mentioned in verse 1, do not refer to angels. Instead, it refers to believers when they stand in rows for Salaah, or in Jihaad. (Tafseer Al Qurtubi vol.15 pg. 57 Maktaba Rasheediya Queta Pakistan)
While speaking of the angels and their standing in rows, the Prophet (S.A) once said to the companions, ‘Will you not form rows like the angels do in front of Allah?’ The Sahabahs (companions) asked, ‘How do the angels form rows in front of their Lord?’ The Prophet (S.A) replied, ‘They first complete the front rows and stand close together’. (Sahih Muslim Hadith # 430; Abu Dawood Hadith # 661; Ibn Majah Hadith # 992 – Tafseer Ibn Katheer vol.5 pg. 300 Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi Beirut 2013)
In another tradition, Huzaifah (R.A) narrates that the Prophet (S.A) said, ‘We have been honoured above all others with three things. These are: Our rows (for Salaah) have been made like the rows of the angels. The entire earth has been made as a place of prayer for us, and the dirt/clay of the earth has been made as a means of purity for us when we do not find water’. (Sahih Muslim Hadith # 522)
Verse 2 states, ‘By those who drive away’. As mentioned by the Sahabahs and the great scholars of the Holy Quran, like Abdullah bin Abbas (R.A), Abdullah bin Masood (R.A), Masrooq, Mujahid and As Suddi (A.R), these refer to the angels who drive the clouds or those angels who prevent people from the disobedience of Allah through exhortation and advice. Some scholars like Qatada (A.R) have stated that the verse refers to the restrictions and limitations which Allah has placed in the Quran. (Tafseer Al Qurtubi vol.15 pg. 58; Tafseer Ibn Katheer vol. 5 pg. 300 Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi Beirut 2013)
Verse 3 states, ‘By those  who recite the ‘reminder’. Here also, Abdullah bin Abbas (R.A), Abdullah bin Masood (R.A), Hasan, Mujahid, Saeed bin Jubair and As Suddi (A.R) have stated that the verse refers to angels who recite the Book of Allah. They bring the Book of Allah and the Quran to mankind and recite it to the Prophets.