Visiting the graveyard on a Friday
Can you give me the proof from the Quran and Sunnah that Friday is the best day to visit the graveyard?
With respect to visiting the grave on a Friday, the Fuqaha (jurists) have written, ‘The virtuous time for visiting the graveyard is on the day of Jum’a and on Saturday, Monday and Thursday. And it is Sunnah to visit while standing and to make dua standing. This is what the Prophet (SAS) used to do when he went to the graveyard of Al Baqee’. (Al Fiqhul Islami wa Adilafihi vol.2 pg.1569).
Imam Malik, the great Muhadith and Imam of Fiqh has stated, ‘One can visit the graveyard on other days, however, the day of Friday has been specified due to its great virtues’. (Fiqhul Islami wa Adilatihi vol.2 pg. 1570).
The great scholar and Muhadith, Allama Hafiz Ibnul Qayyim(RA) has narrated many narrations in his famous book, ‘Kitabur Rooh’ which show the specialty of visiting the graves on a Friday. (See Kitabur Rooh by Hafiz Ibnul Qayyim pg.20; 21).
And Allah knows best.
Mufti Waseem Khan