What is fidya? How much should be paid?
Asalaamu Alaikumwa Rahamatullahi,
My respected Mufti,
I would like to know:
1. What is the fidya for a person who due to illness no longer has any hope of being able to fast any days in Ramadhan?
2. What will one pay for each day missed?
3. Also would be proper to the fidya to a non-Muslim or to specify that the fidya be given just to fasting Muslims to break their fast?
Wa Alaikum Assalaam,
1. The fidya for a fast is 1.75kg=3.85lbs of wheat or 3.5kg=7.72lbs of barley or its equivalent in
2. A person will pay the above for each day of fast missed.Alternatively, one who must pay fidya can feed one poor person with two complete meals for each fast that he misses.If one is giving fidya in grains or cash, he/she can distribute it to several poor persons.
3. The poor and the needy ones are deserving recipients of fidya. It is best to give it to the poor and needy practicing Muslims. It is not permissible to give ‘rich’ ‘well to do’ Muslims fidya.There
is no requirement for fidya to be given to fasting Muslims to break their fast. What is essential is that those, to whom fidya is being given, are poor and needy people. It may not be the best
thing to give it to fasting Muslims. Since among them, there will be such Muslims who are well
to do and will not be eligible to receive fidya and sadqatul fitr.
With respect to giving fidya to poor and needy non-Muslims, some scholars have allowed it,
however, the preferred opinion (which is the opinion of the majority of Fuqaha) is that it be
given to only Muslims and not to non-Muslims.
In fact, some Fuqaha (Jurist experts and Imams) have clearly stated that it is not permissible to
give to non-Muslims. This is the official Fatawa of the Madhab of Imam Abu Hanifa.
(Hashiya Raddul Muhtar Ala Ad Durr Al Mukhtar Vol 2, Pg. 369 H.M Saeed Company Karachi
1425 A.H; Marghoob Al Fatawa Vol.3, Pg. 462 Jamia Al Qirat Kafleta Gujurat India 2010).
And Allah Knows Best.
Mufti Waseem Khan.