When using various Adhan software on Trinidad settings the time that Asr comes in is after 3, however on the site (Darul Uloom) the timing is after 4, why is this?

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah,

Q:When using various Adhan software on Trinidad settings the time that Asr comes in is after 3, however on this site the timing is after 4, why is this?

Assalaamu Alaikum WaRahmatullah,

A: Most of these softwares use the timing for Asr which is in accordance to the opinions of scholars who say that the time for Asr enters when the shadow of an object becomes one of its size besides the size of the shadow which was present at the time of Zawaal.

The Darul Uloom adopts the opinion of those scholars who say that the time of Asr enters when the shadow of an object becomes twice its size besides the shadow which was present at the time of Zawaal.This is evident from authentic narrations and is in accordance to the Madhab of Imam Abu Hanifa. This is the reason for the difference in the timing for the entering of Asr Salah as you have seen.


And Allah Knows Best,

Mufti Waseem Khan.
