Will the World End in 2012!! ?
Several years ago, at the turn of the century, there was a widespread worry and heightened concern about what would happen when the clock struck midnight. Business owners were in a perplexed situation in fear of the loss of business and profits; governments invested millions of dollars to improve their security; and there were many who were awe struck thinking that this would be the end of the world. Even in the past, before the year 2000, many cults and groups had unwavering belief that the world would have ended at some given date. Were these facts or fiction?
In our present time, there is again another spark of the same flame of ignorance. ‘The year 2012 marks the end of the time cycle of this world, or the end of the world’ they exclaim. To be precise, they have fixed the date as December 21st 2012. This view has been given as the opinions of soothsayers and ancient calculations, and is not based on divine guidance. Even some groups with a religious affiliation have also interpreted their scriptures and books to coincide with this year or time. The internet is being flooded with related pages written on the subject. Likewise, the film industry has already released several movies surrounding the events of the final day and has recently released a movie with the name ‘2012’.
Even a local weekend newspaper ‘TnT Mirror’ dated 26th November 2009, has done a first part, full page editorial on the topic, and the editor has associated Islamic teachings to such events. The editor has also provoked Muslims and Islam by erroneously placing a photo of one, falsely depicting the Blessed Prophet (SA). The issue has reached to such an extent that documentaries on the 2012 predictions have been done in channels like History Channel and National Geographic. Based on all these influences, many people, including some Muslims, have been brainwashed into believing that there is some truth to these predictions.
Let us consider some of these predictions.
Ancient Mayan predictions: The Mayans were known by world historians as astrologers and astronomers and for formulating calendars. From astronomical observations measuring the precession of the equinoxes (either of the two annual crossings of the equator by the Sun, once in each direction) and solstices (either of the times when the Sun is farthest from the equator), the ancient Mayan or pre-Maya determined the date of December 21st, 2012, as the end of their Long Count Calendar, the end of time. This end-date of the Long Count Calendar in 2012, this precession of the equinoxes indeed pinpoints a rare alignment in a vast cycle of time. On December 21st, 2012, the galactic equator, the mid point of our galaxy, will cross the ecliptic path of the sun, creating a rare conjunction of the winter solstice. At this time, they claim, there would be widespread destruction.
Nostradamus: Nostradamus wrote several quatrains on predictions of the end of times. Many scholars who have commented on his predictions have di-codified them to coincide with December 2012. (Documentary on History Channel – History.com)
Astronomy: Many astronomers have mentioned that a Comet Planet, Nibiru or Planet X, smaller than Jupiter, will impact earth or pass near, causing the shifting of the magnetic poles and great destruction. They have dated this as 2012.
Some Christians have also interpreted the Book of Revelation in the present day Bible to mean the end time and associating it with science and other predictions, have mentioned that the Armageddon or the Apocalypse will occur in the year 2012.
Along with these, there were the predictions and visions of Saint Malachy, Edwar Cayce, Conchita Garabandal, and others indicating the end of the world around this time.
Even some research scientist like David Wilcox, have made claims of the presence of extra terrestrial elements in our earth space and other conspiracy theories associating Dec. 21st 2012 with the end of the time cycle.
Respected readers, history has taught us that man has always claimed to know of events in the future. This seems to be a great phenomenon which attracts the attention and interest of many. Likewise, the knowledge of the unseen, of strange and mystical things, of the hereafter, etc. has also drawn their curiosity into delving into explanation and interpretation without sound knowledge. People have gone to the extent in believing these ‘seers’ into the future as truthful and correct. They even make physical preparations for such time, to survive the destructions which, they consider, will ensue. Muslims, unfortunately, have also become entrapped in the snares of such falsehood and may have already sunk into the abyss of kufr – disbelief, or even hovering at its doorway.
What should we believe concerning these predictions, seeing into future, psychic visions, soothsaying, etc.?
First of all, it must be understood that belief in the end of the world, its destruction and annihilation, is a fundamental part of a Muslim’s belief. The world will surely come to an end. However, Islam teaches us that no man has been given any such information regarding the time when the world will end. This knowledge is exclusively for Allah (alone) which has not been given to anyone. Signs however, have been given in the Holy Quraan and the blessed traditions of the Prophet (SA) which tell of the coming of the Last Hour. To believe that these signs would happen is a significant part of faith. However, to say with firm and certain knowledge that a particular event is the actual fulfilment of a sign given from the Shariah may be inconclusive except with clear evidences. The fixing of a day, month or year for the coming of this horrific Last Day, is claiming knowledge of the unseen, and can lead to kufr. Therefore it is imperative to avoid believing in the ‘2012 scenario’ which the world seems to be promoting.
These predictions and calculations are based on knowledge which has been condemned in the Shariah, taking its root from sources of ignorance and kufr. It is similar to fortune telling, soothsaying, diviners and other such acts of grave falsehood. Similarly, believing with certainty, in knowledge of the future based on the positions of the stars and planets, or on horoscopes, astronomy and astrology, is against the teaching of Islam and is tantamount to denying Allah. The Quraan and Sunnah have condemned all these types of vile knowledge mentioned above and warn the believers to stay clear from them.
In the compilations of Imam Bukhari and Muslim, it is reported by Zayd ibn Khalid that one morning at Hudaybiyya, the Prophet (SA) gave a sermon. It had rained during the previous night. He said, “Do you know what your Lord said tonight? The people said, ‘Allah and His Messenger know better.’ He said, “Allah has said, some will deny Me. Those who say that the rain was a blessing from Allah will believe in me and deny the stars, but those who say that it was caused by one or another star, will deny Me and believe in the stars.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
In another Hadith, the Prophet (SA) gave a stern warning to those who go to fortune tellers (soothsayers) to find out about future events. Safiyyah bint Abi Ubayd said that she heard from a wife of the Prophet (SA) that he said, “Whoever goes to a fortune-teller (arraaf) and inquires about anything, his prayers will not be accepted for forty nights.” (Muslim & Ahmad)
To believe in them is to commit Kufr, as taken from a Hadith of Abu Hurairah who reported that the Prophet (SA) said, “Whoever inquires of a fortune-teller or a diviner /soothsayer (Kahin) and believes in what they say, disbelieves in what has been revealed to Muhammad.” (Ahmad- Saheeh Hadith)
The Prophet (SA) even explains the method how these people get their information. Hazrat Aaisha (RA) reported that when the Prophet (SA) was asked about diviners, he (SA) said, “They are nothing.” People said, ‘Prophet of Allah, they sometimes say things that come true!’ He (SA) said, “The jinns pilfer the truths and drop them into the ears of their devotees, and they mix with them over a hundred lies.” (Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad). They actually are friends of the Shaitaan, and in many cases worship them, who misguide them and use them to misguide others. The Quraan mentions the outcome of those who behave in this manner.
Allah says: “There were persons among mankind who took shelter with persons among the jinns (Shayateen), but they increased them in folly (mischief/misguidance).” (72:6)
Allah also mentions in the Quraan that from among the signs of the Hour is the coming of Jesus, and then warns of the mischief of Shaitan. “And indeed Jesus will be a [sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path. And never let Satan avert you. Indeed he is to you a clear enemy. (43: 61-62)
Respected brothers and sisters, the knowledge of the unseen is only found with Allah and those whom He has given a glimpse, from among His servants. He has revealed and inspired the Prophets (AS) with signs of the future and of the Last Day. With respect to the time of the Hour it is unanimous among the Ulamaa of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah that this is known only to Allah. No Prophet, Saint, Angel, Jinn, or any other person has been given this knowledge.
In the Hadith found in Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet (SA) was visited by Jibrael (AS), teaching him aspects of deen. When he asked about the Final Hour, the Prophet (SA) replied that the questioned one (the Prophet himself) is not more knowing about the Hour than the questioner (Jibrael). (Bukhari)
The Prophet (SA) was asked by the people about the hour constantly, but he could only inform them of what was revealed to him. The Quraan informs: “They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the Hour, when is its arrival? Say, ‘Its knowledge is only with my Lord. None will reveal its time except Him. It lies heavily upon the heavens and the earth. It will not come upon you except unexpectedly.’ They ask you as if you are familiar with it. Say, ‘Its knowledge is only with Allah, but most of the people do not know.” (7:187)
Again, Allah mentions about the same in the following verses: “People ask you concerning the Hour. Say, ‘Knowledge of it is only with Allah. And what may make you perceive? Perhaps the Hour is near.” (32:63)
“And they say, ‘When is this promise, if you should be truthful?’ Say, ‘The knowledge is only with Allah, and I am only a clear warner.’ But when they see it approaching, the faces of those who disbelieve will be distressed, and it will be said, ‘This is that for which you used to call”. (67: 25-27)
“Indeed, Allah [alone] has knowledge of the hour and sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs. And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul perceives in what land it will die. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.” (31:34)
Therefore, to fix a time for the Last Day is against the beliefs of Muslims. On the Day of Judgement, those who claimed such knowledge would be questioned along with their Shayaateen. The Quraan says: “To him [alone] is attributed knowledge of the Hour. And fruits emerge not from their coverings nor does a female conceive or give birth except with His knowledge. And the day He will call to them, ‘Where are My partners? They will say, “We announce to you that there is (no longer) among us any witness (to that).” (41:47)
Today, we see that the people who make these absurd predictions are themselves doubtful. Governments are not restricting their planning to the year 2012, but rather, they are planning for many years ahead in the future and for the future generations.
Therefore, the question which is frequently asked, Is the world coming to an end? Is it close to ending? We say, certainly, it will end, but this knowledge is not with us. Most, if not all, of the minor signs may be recognised as having been fulfilled – Allah knows best. We do not know how close the Day of Qiyaamah is, whether it would be in our times or in the times of the next generation or tens or hundreds of years in the future. We are still awaiting the major signs of Qiyaamah which will come about with the appearance of the Dajjal and Imam Mahdi. After this, we believe in the descending of Prophet Esa (AS), the killing of the Dajjal, the release of the Gog and Magog, the Beast, the rising of the sun from the west, the blowing of the trumpet. When would all these take place? Allah knows best!
The important thing for us is to believe that these signs will indeed come to pass. We are therefore required to MAKE PREPARATION for when they occur and for our return to Allah.
The Quraan informs: “And blessed is He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them and with Whom is knowledge of the Hour and to Whom you will be returned (for questioning).” (43:85)
In conclusion, we must acknowledge that the flames of disbelief will continue burning in the future and we must seek protection in the Deen of Allah so that we are not burnt by them. The ancient Mayans, Nostrodamus, Edward Cayce, and the others were influenced or possessed by evil and were misguided, and even in our times, are being used, to misguide others. The media and film industry also has a great plan to play in the brainwashing ploy of Shaitaan.
We must realise that we are responsible for ourselves and our families. Let not the deception of the evil ones deter us from the path of Allah and His messenger and contaminate our faith in Allah. We ask Allah to make our faith firm and unshakable in the face of all trials.