As Salaamu Alaikum,
I would like to know how should I calculate the Zakaah on my rented houses. At present I own four houses which I rent to people. These are not for sale, but I collect a monthly rent on them. For Zakaah, do I calculate the price of each house or do I include only the rent money? Also, how do I pay Zakaah on the rent money?
Wa Alaikum As Salaam,
Zakaah will not be paid on the value/price of each house. Rather, the rent received from the four houses will be added to the other Zakaatable assets, and if a year has passed over it and its savings equates to or exceeds the nisaab of Zakaah, then Zakaah will be waajib.
(Radd Al Muhtar Vol. 5 page 466 Dar Ath Thaqafa;   Fatawa Qadhi  Khan Vol. 1 page 223 Dar Al Kutub Al Ilmiya;  Khulasah Al Fatawa Vol. 1 page 239 Rashediya)
And Allah Knows best
Maulana Saeed Ahmad Khan
Checked and approved by
Mufti Waseem Khan