I want to Know to whom the following terms can be used.

Question: Dear Mufti Sahib, I want to Know to whom the following terms can be used: 1. عليه السلام I have heard some people using عليه السلام with some personalities of Ahl-al-Bayt(اهل بيت) like Hazrat Ali,Hazrat Jaffar, Hazrat Hassan etc. is using this term for […]

Life Support Machines.

Question: At present our father is on a life support machine in the hospital. Doctors say that if he is taken out of it there is a high possibility that he may die. What should we do? An Imam over here in New York say […]

Taking Photographs.

Question: Is it allowed to take photograph of one year old boy or girl? Could you kindly explain in detail? Answer: Pictures and photographs are totally Haraam (unlawful) in Islam. Severe warnings and punishment are mentioned in many authentic and sound Traditions of the Prophet […]