What is the Actual pronunciation of “ض”

Question: Dear Mufti Sahib, What is the Actual pronunciation of “ض” Some people While praying Salahpronounce (ولاالضالین) like Wa LāAđ-Đālleen while some other people pronounce the same like Wa Lā Az-zālleen or we can say some people pronounce (ولاالضالین) with” ظ” sound and some people […]

Dancing and Musical Instruments

Question: Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu , I am a teacher and am on the training workshop for Standard 4 and 5 teachers. I have an “idea” as to the restrictions or rather prohibitions regarding music and dance in Islam. However, I would like […]

What is ruling on cutting nails?

Question: As’salaamz-wa’alaikum! Can you tell me if it permissible to cut ones nails during the night? or what is ruling on cutting nails according to the Sunnah? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, It is permissible to cut one’s nails during the night. According to the […]