Question: assalamoalaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatuhu..hadhrat someone told me that the qurbani sheep we have to rear, bath, give food and care for it, develop attachment with it and then sacrifice it….my question is is it farz, sunnah, wajib or simply preferably to do so? […]
Question: Why it is that that wearing half sleeves during Salah is Makroo-e-Tanzihi? It is noted in the Sahih Al Bukhari that Sahabah used to perform their Salah without covering the shoulders, and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) order them to cover their shoulder ? This mean […]
Question: Assalamualikum Mufti Sahib If I sold something to someone but the person does not pay could I make the intention on money owed to me as Sadaqa and tell person don’t worry about paying me back. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Yes, you can […]
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Question: What is the procedure of dissolving or severing a marriage? The husband and wife are not living together, he neither maintains her nor looks after her, but still refuses to give her divorce. Can the marriage be severed? Answer: The wife in this case […]
Question: assa laam o alaikum recently I had a dream in which it goes as follows: I dream I was dead and I was in the grave , and I heard all the people left from the grave site, there the grave was about 10’*10′ […]
Question: Dear Mufti Sahib, What is the Actual pronunciation of “ض” Some people While praying Salahpronounce (ولاالضالین) like Wa LāAđ-Đālleen while some other people pronounce the same like Wa Lā Az-zālleen or we can say some people pronounce (ولاالضالین) with” ظ” sound and some people […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu , I am a teacher and am on the training workshop for Standard 4 and 5 teachers. I have an “idea” as to the restrictions or rather prohibitions regarding music and dance in Islam. However, I would like […]
Question: Why saying YA Muhammad is consider Shirk or Haram? Some scholars say that saying YA Muhammad is shirk or haram because of the prefix ‘Ya’ means present since the prophet is not present everywhere that’s why it is considered Haram? But According to Arabic […]
Question: Asalaamu Alaykum, If my savings and gold jewelery has reached the amount of Nisaab but I am paying off a loan. Is zakaat compulsory on me? Also for gold jewelery and savings, do I calculate the value of gold and savings and calculate 2.5% […]