Life Support Machines.

Question: At present our father is on a life support machine in the hospital. Doctors say that if he is taken out of it there is a high possibility that he may die. What should we do? An Imam over here in New York say […]

Taking Photographs.

Question: Is it allowed to take photograph of one year old boy or girl? Could you kindly explain in detail? Answer: Pictures and photographs are totally Haraam (unlawful) in Islam. Severe warnings and punishment are mentioned in many authentic and sound Traditions of the Prophet […]


Ruling regarding Salatul Jummah when Eid falls on the Day of Jummah: The fatwa of the Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago regarding the above topic is that under no circumstances should Juma be neglected. Muslims are encouraged to perform their Juma Salaat even though they […]

Investing in Unit Trust.

Question: Is it permissible to engage in any sort of investing with the Unit Trust Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago? Answer: The UTC of T&T invests their monies in many different companies, some of which are Halaal and others are Haraam. While they may be […]