Question: I am very curious about the ruling of smoking weed (marijuana) in Islam. I know of a lot of people who do it because they say it is makruuhun tanziiha or a minor sin. Is this true or is it Haraam? And does it […]
Question: Are Muslim women allowed to work? If so, under what conditions? Answer: Muslim women are allowed to work as long as it does not bring about the violation of the laws of the Shariah. They must continue to fulfill the laws of Hijaab without […]
Question: Can a man or women get married in an abandon period or a divorce? Answer: If the ‘abandon period’ mentioned in the question refers to a situation where the spouses have abandoned each other after being married then the following are the Islamic guidelines: […]
Question: I have recently heard some brothers saying that the recitation of the verses of Surah Baqarah by the head and feet of the deceased are not of the sunnah as well as throwing a handful of dirt in the grave before the actual burial […]
Question: Would my Salaah be valid if I perform it after its time since I am in transit during Asr and Maghrib. And if so, when I Qadhaa my Salaah, what should I recite when making my intentions? Answer: According to the teachings of the […]
Question: Someone has said that if you do not accept Isa Alaihis Salaam before your father and mother then you are not a true believer. Is this true, if it is so or not could you please explain it? Answer: I do not understand this […]
Question: What is the grace period for performing salaah? Sometimes I’m at work and because I have to report to my superiors, I may not be able to perform Zuhr Salaah at the required time. I may read about 1 hour later than expected. Please […]
Question: I wish to find out what is the criteria used to define who is a Musafir? I have heard that once you pass 40 miles and in other narrations I have heard once you cross 48 miles? I have also read that when the […]