Q. Why do women put their hands close to their chest to pray if the Holy Prophet peace be upon him said to pray as he prays? How should they place their hand? Shouldn’t women close up themselves to pray, like not open their legs […]
Q. Did Quran and Sunnah say don’t eat shrimp, shark and crab or did Hanafi? A. The Quran has nothing about eating shrimp, shark and crab. The Sunnah also has nothing about eating shrimp, shark and crab. Instead, there is a tradition in which the […]
Q. Why do people follow different Mazhab like Hanafi etc? What type of Muslims don’t follow Mazhab? They just follow Quran and Sunnah. A. In the same way people follow scholars of today to find out, and practice the true teachings of Islam, people follow […]
Q. Where is Allah? If Allah is above his throne, then who said Allah is everywhere … (Allah is closer to you than your jugular vein)? A. As for ‘where is Allah’ – this is a question that was never asked by the Sahabah (RA), […]
Q. Is the correct sunnah to fast on the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah or is it two out of the three days (10th, 11th and 12th), if not please inform me of the correct sunnah? A. It is commendable to fast during the […]
Q. What are the requirements for a woman who is taking part in Qurbani other than fasting? Does she need to actually be at the place of sacrifice? Is it allowed for a woman who has no male person to assist with Qurbani to give […]
Q. It seems from your response to the email (KFC) that DUTT has the only correct view, what about the international scholars who are not of your opinion? Does DUTT/tabligh have the only correct view? That is very narrow minded. I understand about your research […]
Q. In one of your previous answers, you mentioned that it was Makrooh to perform salaah behind someone who is involved in bid’ah practices. Can you please elaborate on this, with references from the Hanifi Fiqh, (seeing that many of those who do these practices […]
Q. I recently had a baby and I have some questions concerning the tabeej and something called ‘hing’. I do not think it is wise to have those things since Allah is the best of protectors and just as I could remember to put the hing […]
Q. Is it permissible to make wudhu with a fabric (porous) plaster? A. Yes, it is permissible to make wudhu with a fabric (porous) plaster. However, the following are the different rulings concerning it:- 1) If the plaster covers a wound/cut that has not been cured […]