Woman taking part in Qurbani.

Q. What are the requirements for a woman who is taking part in Qurbani other than fasting? Does she need to actually be at the place of sacrifice? Is it allowed for a woman who has no male person to assist with Qurbani to give the money to IBN for Qurbani shares where the meat is distributed to the poor?

A. There are no special requirements for a woman who is taking part in Qurbani.

Fasting during any of the first 9 days of Zul Hijja is commendable, but not essential. On the day of Qurbani (10th Zul Hijja) one is not allowed to fast since it is the day of Eidul Adha. However, it is Sunnah to refrain from eating any thing on this day (Eid ul Adha) until the animal is slaughtered and it’s meat is cooked, from which you will eat. If you do not have any male to assist you in the Qurbani, you can give it to any reliable person or organization that will do it on your behalf, and then distribute it to the poor.

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Waseem Khan