Q. Is a Salaat valid (if performed in its correct timing) had the Adhaan been called before its correct timing? A. Once the Salaah has been performed on its correct time (that is, when the permissible time for Salaah has entered) then the Salaah will […]
Q. After my father passed away I inherited a sum of money at a bank. Is it permissible to accept and use a sum of money which grew on interest? Should I pay Zakaat on it? A. It is permissible for you to accept and […]
Q. If a dog touches your clothes, can you pray with it and also if wine falls on your clothes can you pray with it? A. Wine is considered to be ‘a grave impurity’ and hence, when it falls onto one’s clothes it must be […]
Q. Can a Muslim woman go to a male gynecologist? My wife has been to 2 female gynecologists and hasn’t received the best care. This is her first pregnancy. Most people are telling us that the male doctor gives better care than the female. If […]
Q. Could you let me know if after making dua and/or zikhr, the passing of your hand over your face, is it allowed or is it a biddah? A. With respect to the act of passing the hands over your face after making dua, this […]
Q. I would like to find out if it is permitted in Islam to use jinns, because I know of some muslims who do this, even my sister visits a Mufti in Princes Town and I’m worried that it’s not allowed in Islam. A. Based […]
Q. Is it compulsory for women to also call the iqamat before the prayer? A. It is not compulsory nor is it Sunnah for women to call the Iqamah before salaah. (Raddul Muhtar vol. 1 pg. 391). And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Q. 1) When we start farz, wajib, nafil or any obligatory prayers after reciting sanah, should we recite or not (awazubillah) and bismillah before starting Surah Fatiha? After reciting Surah Fatiha we recite bismillah or not, before starting the new surah? 2) If we are […]
Q. I have noticed that some people pray Asr Salaah from as early as 3:30 pm. Can you please explain how the timing for this salaah is calculated? When does the time start and when does it end? Do we have until sunset to pray? […]
Q. Concerning salaah with respect to the fard prayers, ie. five times daily prayers, if a person doesn’t pray it near the time of pray, for example if the adhan calls for Zuhr at 12:30 pm, how long does a person have to pray it […]