Q. Please give explanation about abrogated verses in the Holy Quran. A. A Muslim is required to accept everything in the Holy Quran. This is compulsory and there is absolutely no difference of opinion in this matter. With respect to the verses in question which […]
Q. What are Islamically permissible ways in which to meet women with intention for marriage, if you live in a society where your best opportunity to meet a muslim woman is at the workplace or in a secondary school? A. Marriage is an institution which […]
Q. Is eating meat from the people of the book permitted? Are there Christian rules and regulations in slaughtering animals? Can I eat meat that is certified Kosher? A. As mentioned in the Holy Quran, the slaughtered animals and birds of the people of the […]
Q. I am in a 50:50 business partnership with someone who is not a Muslim and does not agree to paying Zakaat. Can I pay Zakaat on the 50% of the stock and funds or should I pay on all? A. You are simply required […]
Q. What can one do with Interest that accrues in a bank account? A. Interest which has accrued in the bank must be taken out and given to the poor and needy. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Q. What if someone posted pictures of you without your hijab on the internet, even when you told them not to and they still did, what would be their punishment? A. The punishment for this is very severe as it amounts to revealing the private […]
Q. In a Muslim home, pictures are not allowed, ie. framed ones. In almost all homes there is a television. This is a picture talking, seeing violence etc. Framed pictures are not allowed but a television is, please explain. A. With respect to pictures of […]
Q. Is it wrong for someone to call themself a Salafee? A. The word ‘Salafee’ was never used in the course of Islamic history by any one to refer to himself. Instead, the word ‘Salafus Saaliheen’ or ‘Aslaaf’ (Plural of Salaaf) and ‘Salaf’ were used […]
Q. 1) I have been having unintentional thoughts of divorce, which are happening without my will and intention. I have been doing a lot of zikhr and at one point I was reading ayat ul kursi and without me realising, a THOUGHT came into my […]
Q. I heard a Khateeb during a Khutbah say that the Pregnant and nursing woman does not have to fast during Ramadhan, however he went further to say that they are not required to make up these fasts, since it is sufficient for them to […]