Qadha Salaah.

Question: Would my Salaah be valid if I perform it after its time since I am in transit during Asr and Maghrib. And if so, when I Qadhaa my Salaah, what should I recite when making my intentions? Answer: According to the teachings of the […]

Accepting Isa (A.S.).

Question: Someone has said that if you do not accept Isa Alaihis Salaam before your father and mother then you are not a true believer. Is this true, if it is so or not could you please explain it? Answer: I do not understand this […]

Who is a Musafir?

Question: I wish to find out what is the criteria used to define who is a Musafir? I have heard that once you pass 40 miles and in other narrations I have heard once you cross 48 miles? I have also read that when the […]