QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, Can you please tell me if voluntary Sadaqah can be given to parents and siblings If they are needy? If we are giving Sadaqah to anyone do we need to inform them that it is sadaqah money? JazakAllah ANSWER: Wa […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum Is it permissible to take part in a susu? ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam Sou Sou is about pooling people’s money together and then giving the total amount to the contributors one after the other, at different times. It is not […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, Name related to new a new born, for female child, the name “Haadiyah” I have intention to put above name. Some say the above name is restricted, because it’s Allah’s name, like Haadi. So don’t put this name alone. Please kindly […]