SURAH AL HUJURAT SYNOPSIS OF SURAH AL HUJURAT This Surah is regarded as a Madani Surah, (which was revealed in Madinah) and comprises of eighteen verses. Notwithstanding its conciseness, it is a very great and ‘comprehensive’ Surah which gives various instructions to the believers […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, I have a question regarding sadaqah. My mum asks me to give sadaqah from her money to the needy. However, she herself is struggling financially. I try my best to help her when I can and I ask my husband at times as well but sometimes […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, With regards to evil eye, please may you confirm from the Qurʾān, Sunnah and Ijmāʿ what one should say when complimenting others and what one should say if they see something within themselves that they like. We are confused as many […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, I have a question in regards to medical billing in which a company maintains contracts with doctors as clients who work for hospitals or their own clinics. The company receives and records the doctors procedures and diagnoses for each patient and date of service, […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, I’m a 20 years old practicing Muslim girl. There’s this guy at the university that I attend whose family used to live in our neighborhood when I was a child. I recognized him by his name and his ethnicity. […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum, I follow that a dog in itself is not impure, its hair is pure but its saliva, urine and poop is impure. Even if the hair of the dog is pure, I have read a fatwa that says if the […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, My question is regarding Qasr salah. I am going to Pakistan InshaAllah on 31st of May, I’ll be staying there till 3rd of July then going on 40 days jammat, then staying there for 1 more week approx and then returning […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum Dear Mufti, I will like to find out if it is permissible for an Imam, an Alim or any person, to lead the Eid Salah twice. The situation is that the Imam came to one group, led the Eid Salah and […]