This Surah is regarded as a Madani Surah, (which was revealed in Madinah) and comprises of eighteen verses. Notwithstanding its conciseness, it is a very great and ‘comprehensive’ Surah which gives various instructions to the believers that are connected to good manners and conduct.

The Surah takes its name from the word Al Hujurat (plural of Al Hujrah) which means ‘the Rooms’ (dwellings or apartments). These refer to the dwellings (rooms) in which the wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) lived. Mention of these rooms (Al Hujurat) is made in verse 4 of this Surah.

The Surah begins with etiquettes that are to be observed regarding Allah and His Messenger (ﷺ). It then instructs the believers to carefully investigate and verify news which come to them before accepting it.

The Surah then guides the believers to the right course of action which they should adopt when two parties fight amongst themselves. It then reminds them that they are brothers to each other and must live in harmony.

The Surah further instructs the believers to refrain from backbiting, slandering, mocking and taunting others, suspicion and defamation.

The Surah  reminds man that they are all from one male and one female, and excellence and virtue are only achieved through piety, not through race and ancestral origin.

The Surah then concludes with the message that mere verbal proclamation of faith (Imaan) by a person is not sufficient to be a true believer in the sight of Allah. Instead, one is required to follow the confession of the tongue with obedience to Allah and His Messenger (ﷺ).



Surah Al Hujurat states in verse 1:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تُقَدِّمُوا بَيْنَ يَدَيِ اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ ۖ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ

  1. O you who believe! Do not put (yourselves) forward before Allah and His Messenger , and fear Allah. Verily! Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

In this verse, the believers have been instructed by Allah that they must not proceed with any matter or make a decision, or even say anything in the presence of the Prophet (ﷺ), except that Allah and His Messenger have already ruled and given a decision in that matter.

While explaining this verse, Abdullah bin Abbas (R.A) said, ‘It means that the believers were prohibited from speaking before the Prophet (ﷺ) spoke or addressed a matter’. Adh Dhahak (A.R) stated, ‘It means that the believers must not make a decision about a matter in the matters of Deen before Allah and His Messenger’. (Safwah At Tafaseer vol.3 pg. 215 Dar As Sabooni)

Generally, the believers were informed by Allah that respect and good manners to the Prophet (ﷺ) required that they must not do anything in the presence of the Prophet (ﷺ) before he does it or gives the permission to do it. They must also not say anything in his presence before he speaks or allows them to speak. They must not advance him or precede him in anything. For example, if a matter which needs a decision, comes up in his gathering, then no one should respond to it before he responds. In a similar manner, if food has been placed in his gathering for everyone to eat, no one should begin to eat before him. If they accompany him to a place while walking with him, no one should walk ahead of him. All these are from among good manners and etiquettes that are required to be done, in order to show respect to the Prophet (ﷺ). (Safwah At Tafaseer vol.3 pg. 215)

The verse states, ‘and fear Allah. Verily Allah is All Hearing, All Knowing’. It means, fear Allah with respect to the instructions He has given, for He hears everything that is said, and is the Knower of one’s states and intentions.