QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, Is sagicor investment go fund, halal Investment? ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, ‘Sagicor’ would normally invest funds in many different products as investments for their customers. These products are sometimes halal, and at times, haram. Since funds from investors are pooled […]
As Salaamu Alaikum, QUESTION: Can a traveler be considered someone who is travelling within Trinidad and Tobago? Does the 48 miles count within a person’s country? Or does the 48 miles considered only when someone who lives in Trinidad and Tobago leaves Trinidad and Tobago? […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, Will I be allowed to put eardrops in my ears while fasting? Some people say that there is a connection between the ear and the throat and if you put eardrops in your ears, it can go down the throat which […]
Question: I have heard that it is permissible to leave the Masjid to go for a Janazah Salaah if one is in Sunnah I’tikaaf. Is this correct? If I do this, will my Sunnah I’tikaaf be affected? In a similar manner, what if I have […]
Question: The Mua’dhin in our Masjid wishes to do the Sunnah I’tikaaf this coming Ramadhan. However, in order to call the Adhaan five times per day, he will be required to come out of the I’tikaaf area and go to the microphone to call the […]
Question: Can you tell us what is the amount to be given in Sadaqatul-Fitr, and what it can be given in? Are we allowed to give it in money /cash form, or must we give it only in grains that have been stipulated in the […]
Question: One of our family has to undergo a surgery at present, and I am being asked to donate blood to the family member since it is a necessity. However, I am presently observing the fast of Ramdhan and I do not know if it […]
Question: What is the ruling regarding extracting a tooth while fasting? If one does it, would his fast be broken. Also, some people go to the dentist to clean and polish their teeth while fasting. Would that be allowed, or would the fast be broken […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, In order to begin the month of Ramadhan, a number of brothers went to look for the moon. It was a clear sky, with no clouds blocking our view from searching for the moon. In this situation, only one person said […]