
Can you tell us what is the amount to be given in Sadaqatul-Fitr, and what it can be given in? Are we allowed to give it in money /cash form, or must we give it only in grains that have been stipulated in the Ahadith?


According to the Imams of Fiqh, the stipulated amount to be given in Sadaqatul Fitr which is evident from the narrations of the Prophet (S.A.S) are:-

  1. One may either give out ½ Sa’ of wheat OR
  2. One may give out 1 (one) Sa’ of dates, barley or raisins.

However, it will also be permissible to give out the value of the above mentioned in cash. If one chooses to give out in items besides the above mentioned, then one will give it out to the equivalent of the amount stipulated above.

In present time, one Sa’ is calculated to be 3.75 Kg and ½ Sa’ is 1.875 Kg

Based on this, one may give out 1.875 kg of wheat, or its value in money, or 3.75 Kg of dates, barley or raisin, or its value in money.


(Al Muheet Ar Ridhwi Vol. 1 pgs 474 – 475 Dar Al Kutub Ilmiya Beirut;  Radd Al Muhtar Vol 6 page 156  Dar Ath Thaqafa).

And Allah Knows best

Maulana Saeed Ahmad Khan



Checked and approved by

Mufti Waseem Khan