Question: Assalaamu alaikum. Can you please clarify this matter as to whether mortgages are halaal or not? I saw one answer in your old site and a different answer in this new site. I’ll copy and paste below: OLD SITE: page 12. Mortgages. Q. What […]
Tafseer [mp3-jplayer tracks=”,,,,,,, “]
Q. Can a muslim plait his hair? If yes for how long can they keep it? A. It is an established principle in the shariah that men must not imitate women and women must not imitate men. This is based on the authentic tradition of […]
Q. Can I get the fatwa on using a credit card? Does it fall under the category of riba? Also before getting one {credit card} you sign a contract stating that you would pay interest if you don’t pay on time? A. With respect to […]
Q. Every three times a week I train Judo, which is a Japanese martial art with about 20-25 other students; some are muslims and some are of other faiths. My trainer is from Japan and he is acustomed to the martial arts culture that he […]
Q. I was wondering if a woman can perform Talaq and if not why? I know the quran specifies the men, but what if the husband tells the wife that she has to arrange the divorce? A. Talaq is a very serious matter in Islam […]
Q. There are two scenarios: 1) I rent out my shop for, say $1000 per month + 1% profit from what the tenant earns. In case he doesn’t make any profit then only rent. 2) I give out my shop to someone on the condition […]
Questions: Asalamualaikum, 1) If a person is on his way or intending to come to class, can we mark him present on the attendance register, just to save his time, although he was on his way to class or had intended to attend that class? […]
Spiritual discourses on the topic ‘ How To Seek Forgiveness For Backbiting’ by Maulana Abdul Salam, delivered at Masjidul Muttaqeen, Munroe Road, Cunupia, Trinidad W.I. on 9th August 2011
Spiritual discourses on the topic ‘ A Confused Condition or Feeling against someone who backbites you etc’ by Maulana Abdul Salam, delivered at Masjidul Muttaqeen, Munroe Road, Cunupia, Trinidad W.I. on 8th August 2011