Salaams, are anklets permissible for women to wear ? Wa Alaikum As Salaam, It is permissible for women to wear anklets. However, these should not have bells attached to them that will give off a sound/noise while walking. And Allah Knows Best. Mufti Waseem Khan […]
Assalamu Alaikum, For a very long time, I was told that the consumption of crayfish, shrimp, etc. was Makrooh. However, recently, I have heard reports from persons stating it to be Haraam. So my question is, what is the ruling of the consumption of the […]
Assalaam u Alaikum Mufti, While performing sujood in salaat, does the forehead or the tip of the nose touch the ground firstly, and while raising from sujood is it same or different, or is does not matter. Jazak Allah Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله […]
As Salaam mu Alaikum Can you state if it is permissible to touch the quran on a phone screen without wudhu? Jazaak Allah Khair Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق Yes, it is permissible to do so, since you are touching the phone and […]
ABANDONING PERMISSIBLE ACTS TO GAIN TRUE TAQWA As salamu Alaykum Please what is the principle of this hadith, can you give the adab to act like that : Sayyiduna ‘Atiyyah As Sa’di (radiyallahu ‘anhu): “A man will not be from the Muttaqin [Those who truly […]
Assalamu Alaikum, I’m a university student, currently studying biology and in my study, I learnt about diseases which are heritable, so that the parents may not have the disease or problem but the children can have a very great chanceof acquiring it. Some of these […]
Assalam-O-Alaikum, I would like to know if a deferred annuity is halal to have. Looking forward to your speedy reply. Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق A Deferred Annuity is not halal to have. This ‘Annuity’ is bought from an insurance company where you are required to […]