Assalamu Alaikum, I recently watched a lecture and part of it related a hadith, not word for word but basically ali asked the prophet peace be upon him to consider marrying the daughter of Hamza and he (saw) said that she is not permissible for […]
QUESTION: Asalamualaikum, Hazrat, is true that some Ulama consider Hussain (RA) not to be haq in his rebellion against Yazid? Since other Sahaabahs such as ibn Abbas/Umar/Zubair gave bayah, and warned Hussain (RA) not to go to Kufa, but he insisted. I know many […]
Is having a dog for a pet allowed in Islam? And if not, why? Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق The Prophet (SAS) has stated that dogs are allowed for hunting and for security purposes (to guard properties, animals, farms etc.) (Sahih Al Bukhari). In the […]
Asalaamu Alaikum, I had a sticker of the Moon and Star on my car and someone told me that it was haram because it represented the pagan belief because they use to worship the moon and the star. I googled it and it did talk about the pagan worshiping the moon and star gods. My questions […]
Assalamu Alaikum. I would like to know what some halal investments are in T&T. Is unit trust permissible? Also gov’t bonds, corporate bonds, mortgage funds and property and equity funds. I was approached in particular by someone from maritime life about these interns of an […]