Taking An I.V While Fasting

Question:What is the Shariah’s ruling regarding an I.V. while fasting, does it break the fast? Answer:No, an I.V. does not break the fast. The reason is that an I.V. is a type of injection which is placed into the vein. That which breaks the fast […]

Qadha Of Fardh Fast

Question: Assalamu Alaikum,, I have a question to ask. during Ramadan this year i have missed at least 5 or more fasts on purpose as this was the first time i was fasting in UK where the no of hours for fasting were very long […]

Observing Qadha Of Fardh Fast

Question: Assalamu alaikum, If a person still has fard fast that they missed during the month of Ramadan to keep back, can they fast any of the recommended fast with the intention for that (eg 10th Muharram or day of Arafah) or do they have to keep back their fard fast […]

When Will One Fast For The Day Of Arafah?

Question: Asalamu Alaikum. I wanted to know whether one is supposed to fast on the day of Arafah according to the Saudi calender i.e the day Arafah is observed in Saudi Arabia ,or one’s own country?  in our country arafah is probably on the 5th of October. The differences in dates […]