Various Questions

Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Mufti, I have a few questions that I hope Insha Allah you’ll be able to assist me with firstly, 1. Is there a hadeeth on missing 3 jumu’a that makes you a kaafir? I hear Muslims saying this all the time but […]

Decorating the Masjid

Question: Asalaam walaikum, The members of my jammat are going to put up curtains by all the windows and doors of our masjid even though they are tinted. I personally find no need for it, please let me know if I’m just being one minded […]

Hadeeth: Women going to the Masjid

Question: Asalaamualaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatuhu mufti sahab. Could you please qoute the hadith shareef in sahih Bukhaari n full (along with the hadith number)in which Hazrat Aeisha (radhiallahu  anha) tells us that if Nabi(salallahu alaihi wasallam) knew about the conduct and situation of women […]