Life Support Machines.

Question: At present our father is on a life support machine in the hospital. Doctors say that if he is taken out of it there is a high possibility that he may die. What should we do? An Imam over here in New York say […]

Taking Photographs.

Question: Is it allowed to take photograph of one year old boy or girl? Could you kindly explain in detail? Answer: Pictures and photographs are totally Haraam (unlawful) in Islam. Severe warnings and punishment are mentioned in many authentic and sound Traditions of the Prophet […]

Accepting Isa (A.S.).

Question: Someone has said that if you do not accept Isa Alaihis Salaam before your father and mother then you are not a true believer. Is this true, if it is so or not could you please explain it? Answer: I do not understand this […]

Who is a Musafir.

Question: I wish to find out what is the criteria used to define who is a Musafir? I have heard that once you pass 40 miles and in other narrations I have heard once you cross 48 miles? I have also read that when the […]

Lesbianism in Islam.

Question: I would like to know what Islam states about lesbians and if I have a relative who is one, how do I go about being with this person, is this person still a Muslim or not and what is their state in Islam? Answer: […]

Events of Ashura.

Question: What events took place on Ashura? Is it authentic that the first rains fell etc.? Answer: With respect to that which is evident from authentic traditions it is narrated that the Prophet (s.a.s) fasted on the day of Ashoorah and encouraged his followers to […]

Meaning of the word “Maulana”.

Question: I heard that the word “Maulana” means Master, and that you cannot address anyone with that title as Maulana. Can you please clarify this. Answer: The word ‘Maulana’ is an Arabic word which is combined of two words namely ‘Maula’ and ‘na’ – ‘Maulana’. […]

Men wearing gold and silver.

Question: Why are muslim men not allowed to wear gold? Answer: According to many authentic traditions of the Prophet (SA), it is clearly stated that Gold is unlawful for males to wear. Based upon this, it has become a prohibition for men to wear gold. […]