Question: السلام عليكم Ùˆ رØمة الله Is it permissible for a woman to have her anklets that hang beneath the ankles visible to ghair mahram men? Also earrings visible but ears covered? Answer: Ùˆ عليكم السلام Ùˆ رØمة الله Ùˆ بركاته Bismillahi Wa Billahi At […]
QUESTION: As salaam Alaikum, What monetary payments should I make as expiation for non fasting during Ramadan. How much is it calculated for one day? Should I make payments to the mosque or directly to someone else, eg. A poor person. What other payments are […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, Can you confirm what the hadith scholars say about this Hadith, is it sahih? Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) has recorded a narration which indicates that Mu’awiyah (radiyallahu ‘anhu) accepted Islam before The Conquest of Makkah. Sayyiduna Mu’awiyah (radiyallahu ‘anhu) says, ‘I trimmed […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, Where cats mention in Quran? I would like to know everything about cats in Islam. What’s the punishment for throwing away cats female/male from a home to a strange place. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Bismillahi Wa Billahi At Tawfeeq Assalamu […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, Alhamdulillah I am responsible for selecting different Huffaz to lead jumuah salaah in a certain musallah. My question is, if there are Huffaz whose hair styles are inappropriate, like long at the top and very short at the side then will […]
Question: 1 As Salaamu Alaikum, If someone did something which makes him/her out from the fold of Islam in front of one individual so is it compulsory to do taubah and tajdeed-e-imaan (renewing the faith) in front of that person he said those kufriya words […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum. If someone hunts an animal that is permissible to eat in Islam but the government of the country says it’s illegal to hunt, would that meat be considered as haraam? ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, The meat of that animal will […]
QUESTION: Assalmu Alikum On this website there is a daily Timetable for 5 daily salaah. Where can I find the daily times for Tahajud. I have read on how to calculate the time but it’s very confusing to me. JazakAllah ANSWER Wa Alaikum As […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, I would like to know if financing directly from the manufacturer/owner is halal? No banks involved. Eg a company is offering their products for sale under a 5year financing term with a 5% interest rate. Although they are calling it interest […]