Zakaat on old Stocks.

Question: A person owns a mechanical business and has stocks packed up for a few years (which he considers as old stocks) and also other stocks (which are known to be new stocks), does he have to pay Zakaah on every thing or not? Answer: […]

Zakaat for building a Mosque.

Question: Is that possible to give my Zakaat for building a mosque? Answer: Zakaat cannot be used for building a mosque, nor can it be used for other works that are connected to the functioning of the mosque such as maintenance, water bills, electricity bills, […]

Fatwa against Insurance.

Question: I require a reference of any written fatwa against insurance and why is there any reliable Hadeeth in this order. Answer: In response to our inquiry about written fatawas regarding insurance, we produce the following: In a fatawa issued by Shaikh Abdullah Bin Baaz […]