Question: Can zakaat be given to my brother who is building his home and has ran short on funds to assist him – he presently does not have the nisaab in savings OR can I use zakaat to purchase something that his children need as […]
Question: Asalaamu Alaykum, If my savings and gold jewelery has reached the amount of Nisaab but I am paying off a loan. Is zakaat compulsory on me? Also for gold jewelery and savings, do I calculate the value of gold and savings and calculate 2.5% […]
Question: Asalaamu Alaykum, If my savings and gold jewelery has reached the amount of Nisaab but I am paying off a loan. Is zakaat compulsory on me? Also for gold jewelery and savings, do I calculate the value of gold and savings and calculate 2.5% […]
Question: Who should zakaah be paid to? Answer: Zakaah can be paid to any one of the eight categories of deserving recipients: The poor The needy Those in an Islamic state appointed to collect and distribute zakaah. A person in debt Those in the path […]
Question: Can one use force upon another person in order to collect that person’s zakaah in our country? Answer: No. One cannot use force upon another person in order to collect that person’s zakaah. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Question: Can an organization or group claim to have the only right of collecting zakaah in our country, Trinidad? Who is authorized to collect zakaah? Answer: In an Islamic state it is the duty of the Islamic Government to put a system in place which […]
Question: A remark has been used that rich Muslims have not been paying Zakaah. Can one use such statements? Answer: The authentic saying of the Prophet Muhammad (Upon whom be Peace) teaches us to be very discreet in giving charity and doing good works to […]
Question: A person owns a mechanical business and has stocks packed up for a few years (which he considers as old stocks) and also other stocks (which are known to be new stocks), does he have to pay Zakaah on every thing or not? Answer: […]
Question: A person’s children has jewellery, does she have to pay Zakaah on it? The children are not baligh, what about if they are baligh? Answer: According to the Mazhab of Imam Abu Hanifa, if the children are not baligh (have not reached the age […]
Question: A person has money in the Unit Trust / Bank for her children on her name. Does she have to pay Zakaah on it? Answer: Yes, this person must pay Zakaah on the money which she has in the Unit Trust / Bank when […]