Question: The Mua’dhin in our Masjid wishes to do the Sunnah I’tikaaf this coming Ramadhan. However, in order to call the Adhaan five times per day, he will be required to come out of the I’tikaaf area and go to the microphone to call the […]


Question: Can you tell us what is the amount to be given in Sadaqatul-Fitr, and what it can be given in? Are we allowed to give it in money /cash form, or must we give it only in grains that have been stipulated in the […]


Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, I would like to know how should I calculate the Zakaah on my rented houses. At present I own four houses which I rent to people. These are not for sale, but I collect a monthly rent on them. For Zakaah, […]


Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, In order to begin the month of Ramadhan, a number of brothers went to look for the moon. It was a clear sky, with no clouds blocking our view from searching for the moon. In this situation, only one person said […]


Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, What is the ruling regarding vomiting while fasting, does it break the fast? Is there a difference between induced vomiting and that which is not induced?   Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, With regards to the ruling of vomiting whilst fasting, […]


Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, Sometimes, on account of pregnancy or breastfeeding, a woman misses the Ramadhan fast. Would she be required to make up those missed fast as Qadha or can she give fidya for those fasts? We have heard that she can give fidya. […]