As Salaamu Alaikum,


A Person had kidney stones which are now cleared. The doctor said there is fear of the stones forming again due to dehydration so must drink plenty of water. Is he allowed to keep qaza of ramazan in shorter days?

Wa Alaikum As Salaam,


Bismillahi Wa Billahi At Tawfeeq

A capable doctor, who is a Practicing Muslim, should be consulted regarding your problem. A practicing Muslim Doctor, understands the importance of Ramadhan and will thus be able to advise you properly.

The answer may depend on the area that you live in, and the conditions therein. In a cool place, perhaps, he may tell you to drink a lot of water before starting the fast and to keep yourself cool during the day and perhaps, that maybe sufficient. In hot conditions, he may advise you to make Qadha of the missed fasts on shorter days instead. Again, a Muslim doctor who is a practicing Muslim will advise you, keeping in mind the importance of Ramadhan as well as your health.

If however, this doctor tells you to not fast at all, and there is no hope of recovery, then according to the Shariah, if one is unable to fast due to ill health or sickness, then he/she will be excused from fasting.

You will have to offer Fidyah to the poor and needy by feeding a poor person, every day for the fast which is missed. Fidyah could also be given in cash, according to the Sadqadul Fitr amount of your country for each missed fast.


And Allah knows best

Mufti Waheeb Saiyed
