As Salaamu Alaikum,

I only wear short sleeve shirts for work. And I also pray with short sleeve is it ok to pray like this or no? or do I have to wear long sleeve to pray?


Wa Alaikum As Salaam,

You can continue to wear short sleeve shirts for work, but for Salah, you should wear long-sleeve instead of the short sleeve shirt.

If you perform Salah with short sleeve, then your Salah will be valid, however, the Fuqaha (expert jurists) have stated that it will be Makrooh (reprehensible) to do so. In this regard, they have written, ‘If a person performs Salah with his sleeves (of the garment) raised above the elbows (with the elbows exposed), then it will be Makrooh (reprehensible)’ (Al Fatawa Al Hindiyah Vol. 1 page 601; Hashiya At Tahtawi Ala Al Maraqi page. 283; Halbi Kabeer page. 349 – Kitab An Nawazil Vol. 4 page. 103; Darul Ishaat Karachi 2016; Kitab Al Fatawa Vol. 2 page. 219 Zam Zam Karachi 2007)

And Allah Knows best

Mufti Waseem Khan
