Q. Are you allowed to have sexual relations with your partner (wife) during ramadaan or even allowed to show affection, kiss, etc.? If you are not allowed to have sexual intercourse without marragie can you masturbate during ramadaan? A. During the nights of Ramadhan (when […]
Q. Can a mother breast feed and fast, is it allowed? A. Yes, it is permissible for a mother to breastfeed and fast. However, the shariah has given her the allowance to delay her fast and make it up afterwards, if she fears harm upon […]
Q. I am planning to perform the Hajj this year. However I was told by a Scholar that if I have Qadha fasts outstanding that I have to make up these fasts before performing the Hajj. Is this true? I have missed approximately 6 months […]
Q. Two muslim sisters wants to know the following: (1) She just had a delicate operation and 4 doctors who had attended to her told her that for her health she should not fast, and she also feels afraid to fast for the same reason. […]
Q. Can a pregnant woman give only Fidya? If you say she has to make up her fast, what is the daleel? I heard a Khateeb saying that if she cannot fast then it is enough if she gives fidya. The Khateeb quoted sayings of […]
Q. I heard a Khateeb during a Khutbah say that the Pregnant and nursing woman does not have to fast during Ramadhan, however he went further to say that they are not required to make up these fasts, since it is sufficient for them to […]
Q. I performed hajj last year and was advised, that I can keep nafil fast in case I made some errors. Today I am fasting and as such I hope to keep for 3 days consectively. Please advise me. A. The act of observing fast […]
Q. A Muslim brother’s wife was pregnant and nearing her term, however Ramadhan was nearing and he was advised by a well known scholar, that she does not fast due to her condition and pay the sadaqah for the days missed. In my very little […]
Q. How much time before dawn does the sehri time START? Is there more sawaab in eating sehri near dawn, that is delayed sehri, rather than eating it one hour before? A. The time for Sehri lasts until the break of dawn. As soon as […]
Q. I travel a lot and I was wondering what are the rules for traveing in regards to salaah and everything. Actually I go to that same place every year, sometimes 2 times for the year and I was wondering what are the rules when […]