As Salamu Alaikum QUESTION: Is it permissible to day trade stocks. Kindly Share Fatwa Jazakallah Wa Alaikum As Salaam, ANSWER: Day trade stocks entail buying stocks and selling them on the same day. It will be permitted to do such trading when one owns and […]
As salaam Alaikum, QUESTION: The question is here that what IS aqeeqah and its nisaab? What about its meat? Where we should divide it?? Clarify it completely. Wa Alaikum As Salaam, ANSWER: Aqeeqah refers to the animal which is slaughtered on the occasion of the […]
As Salaamu Alaikum, QUESTION: Can a woman who is separated from her husband about 4 years…not legally divorced yet but in the process of finalizing the divorce gets Nikah to another person? Wa Alaikum As Salaam, ANSWER: If the woman was separated through a formal […]
As Salaamu Alaikum, QUESTION: If my cash savings and the value of my gold is not equivalent or more than the gold nisaab I saw listed on the site, does that mean I have to pay zakaah. Both would of course be more than the […]
As Salaamu Alaikum, QUESTION: Is it permissible for me to appear before my father and brothers while wearing knee-length nightie at home during daytime?. I do not wear undergarments under the nightie and I do not cover my hair with scarf in front of my […]
As Salaamu Alaikum, Question: I wanted to know if mining crypto currency via a PC is allowed? Mining with a PC involved a program on the PC that is running an it uses graphic cards on the PC to do the mining with. Wa Alaikum […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, Is birth control permissible? Answer: Bismillahi Wa Billahi At Tawfeeq Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Essentially birth control is of two types: 1) Permanent Contraception 2) Temporary Reversible Contraception Permanent Methods of Birth Control Female Sterilization—Tubal ligation or “tying tubes”— […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, The Messenger of Allah (upon him blessings and peace) is reported to have said: “Whoever expands his expenditure on his family on the day of Ashura, Allah will expand his sustenance for the rest of that year.” I have read that […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, As per the latest fatwa published by the Darul Uloom, regarding the ruling on burying Muslims among non-Muslims in a public cemetery, will this ruling also apply to those cemeteries that are completely sectioned off for Muslims. Eg the Arima cemetery […]
RULING ON BURYING MUSLIMS AMONG NON MUSLIMS IN A PUBLIC CEMETERY With respect to the issue of burying a deceased Muslim among non-Muslims in a public cemetery, the great Jurist experts of the former and latter times have unanimously stated that this is not permissible. […]