Family Relationship

  QUESTION Assalamu alaikum Can you help me advice this sister on her question below. My husband and I have been through many years of continuous abuse and manupulation by my in laws which has caused alot of trauma, depression, major anxiety and affects our […]


QUESTION: Assalamu Alaikum,    I would like to know if I have to make up for salah that i missed earlier in my life due to not following islam properly. I was borned into a muslim family but we never practiced the deen and only […]

Question About Burial

Question: Respected Mufti Saheb, May Allah preserve you in the best condition. A brother who is establishing a Muslim cemetery has the following questions: Is it permissible for the graves to face east or west, instead of being angled in the direction of the qiblah, […]


QUESTION:   As salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh, I have recently graduated with an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Science. My first job is in a laboratory that produces vaccines. I am required to gown up and wear 3 levels of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) […]


Question: Assalamu Alaikum, When a woman is praying any Fardh Salaat by herself or in congregation with other sisters, can the Iqamah be called aloud or does she have to give the Takbeer and start the Salaat?   Answer: و مصليا و مسلما   حامدا Wa […]